Thursday, April 22, 2010

Run #20

Finally broke into the 20's...........sorry about the slow pace of this set of 31 runs but it has been an especially crazy time.

Things are good and there is light at the end of the tunnels!!!!!!

If you read this say a prayer for "the running priest" and all of us priests throughout the world starting with the Holy Father. I was thinking the other day..........if I am blessed to reach old age (no wisecracks any youngsters out there!!!!!!!!) Ahemmmmmmmmmm If I do reach old age I think I will be able to look back and realize that I lived my priesthood during some very challenging times for our dear Catholic Church......and I realize all of you Catholics out there can join in and say..........yea Father and it was a bit of a bumpy ride being Catholic at times.

But as my dear mother would say............quoting the first Pope....."Lord to whom shall we go"

Let us pray

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Run # 19

Beleve it or not my last run was in Rome........yes in Italy.......not Texas!!!! I had a great run along the Tiber and then the next morning unexpectedly was back on a plane to Texas. I was actually lucky to get back home with the Volcanic Ash Cloud hanging over Europe!!!!

Thankfully wasn't breathing any Volcanic Ash along the Tiber.

Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul is still moving along well. It will be so much fun when I can post photos of the construction as it unfolds. I know many of us look forward to that day!! And it is approaching.

I am set to speak at all Cathedral masses on the weekend of May 1 & 2. Then shortly after, as early in May as the school calendar will allow we will begin the initial site work.

We still have pledges to raise so that the entire cost of the Chapel is pledged. Thankfully we don't have to have all the money "in the bank" as soon as we have pledges to cover the cost we can begin construction on the actual Chapel itself.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Runs # 16, 17 and 18

Some great running weather lately. Run # 18 was the St. Gregory fun run. It was a perfect morning for a run and I came in third in my age group. Managed to keep my time below 8 minute miles so not too bad.

Lots of meetings going on for the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul. Plan is for me to speak at all masses at the Cathedral on the weekend of May 1 & 2 and update the entire parish on where we are with plans, costs and the pledges we need to get started.

If your schedule allows plan to join us for a special event on the afternoon of May 2, at the Gorman School Campus at 3:00 PM. You will see "the running priest" in a whole new role!!!!!!!!!!!

Exciting things in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Run 12,13,14 and 15

Some good runs for Holy Week. Managed to catch up with a running buddy the last several days that I hadn't run with in months. Good to have the companionship again and we got in tosme good runs.

I'm writing this on Holy Saturday afternoon and this evening the Church will celebrate the Easter Vigil in many ways THE liturgy of the year.

I pray you all have a Blessed Easter and that our Resurrected Lord brings you strength and hope.