Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lenten Waiting

The Supper of the Lamb window over the main doors of the Chapel is in production. I'll try to update as much as possible as it develops.

We also await the announcement of our 4th bishop. This makes one both nervous and excited as we enter into these early days of our next 25 years as a diocese, a "local Church" of the universal Catholic Church. I'll try to use my blog for updates regarding developments as our new bishop begins to shepherd us.

As we pray during these Lenten days for our own renewal, for our families and for our 4th bishop let us embrace Mary's response to the angel.....FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA........thy will be done, echoed by Christ himself in the garden before his crucifixion.

This phrase echoes through the ages as THE response of the Christian disciple. Let us embrace it as we continue our Lenten journey.

God Bless.

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