Hello out there. I'm sorry I've gotten behind on posting to the blog, just busy with the usual stuff. I intended to take a bit of a break after my October runs but the time kind of got away from me.
The picture of St. Peter's reminds me of the Thanksgiving I spent there a couple of years ago. It was interesting to be out of the country for the Thanksgiving holiday. It made me that much more thankful for the blessing we have here in the good ole USA. We certainly have our problems but this is a great country because of the goodness of the people here and the freedoms we enjoy. Let us pray that we can live these freedoms more responsibly.
It has been great running weather lately and I got in a nice run at Faulkner Park yesterday. I hope to get in another out there this afternoon. I actually saw another runner out there yesterday. I believe that is the first time I've seen another runnner on the trail. There were lots of bikers too and I frequently see people walking but it was good to see a running comrade. I guess the park was busier than usual with people anticipating that they were going to eat too much turkey.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving we all reflect on the blessings of family and friends in our lives. Let's remember to be thankful all year........not just on one day. A good thought for our exercise also.......good thing to do all year not just one day!!!!
I hope to organize myself for another set of runs during Advent and leading up to Christmas. In the mean time have a blessed Thanksgiving.
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