Howdy. I know it has been a month since my last post. As you probably know it has been quite a month for me. As of February 2, 2010 I have left my position as rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and have been named Vicar General for the Diocese of Tyler by Bishop Alvaro Corrada. I replace Msgr. Xavier Pappu who has done a great job as Vicar General for the past nine years. His work helped move the position of Vicar General from being mostly a title to actually being a functioning office. I know I will benefit from all of his hard work as I move into the office of Vicar General full time.
I have to laugh because we often speak of "full time" positions in the Church when in reality we have other jobs as well. I'm not sure exactly what full time means but I have a feeling I will still be very busy. I guess it really isn't very different from what all of us deal with.......after all fathers and mothers, husbands and wives have "full time" jobs that don't include all that they do for the family etc. etc. I think of an old saying "idle hands are the devils workshop" so I guess it is a good thing that I won't have to worry about idle hands!!!!!!!
I'm still adjusting to actually being gone from the Cathedral after almost 16 years. I guess it will take time to embrace my new schedule, new office, new house and new duties. I will always cherish my time at the Cathedral but I have to admit I'm glad to lay down the pressures and responsibilities of that office. I pray that Father Anthony McLaughlin who takes my place as the new rector will be able to build on and expand the good things that are happening in the Cathedral family. He is a talented man and I know he will bring many good things to the Catholic community of Tyler. I hope I will be able to support him in all kinds of ways since my "big move" is only three miles down the road.
Speaking of "miles" your probably wondering.........what's up.........isn't this blog called "the running priest"???? I have to admit the running priest has been more the "box moving priest" lately but I go on retreat this week and I plan to take the opportunity to get back on the running track!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking of a set of runs to celebrate Saint Valentine's Day.................I'll keep you posted as that develops.