Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 7 & 8..........Running into Spring

Well at this rate it will take me a while to get to 31 runs. I'll do my best to get in some good ones this coming week.......starting today. Did manage a couple of good runs this week but a couple of days out of town sort of knocked me off schedule again.


We've had meetings of the full committee,several meetings with the architect and another meeting with the Liturgical Designer since my last update. Things are really coming together........keep an eye out for a full parish update and plan for moving forward the last weekend of April.

Meanwhile we are entering into Holy Week. Let us pray together that the troubles that plague our world may diminish and answers may come more clearly into focus as we celebrate the Life, Deat and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. If you usually attend the liturgies of Holy Week we'll see you there........if you haven't had the habit of attending I'd encourage you to check the schedule at your local church and do your best to attend any liturgies you can. You will be blessed.

Meanwhile................keep on runnin'

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